Your Protection. Our Priority.

Bird Nest Removal

Bird nests can be a unique issue. During certain times of the year, nesting significantly influences the birds’ behavior. The changes can result in increased droppings, nesting materials and hazards for people. Birds, their nests, and their droppings can contain more than 60 hazardous diseases, parasites, and bacteria. These include salmonella, E. coli, histoplasmosis, bird flu, West Nile virus, bird mites, and many more.

That is why Bird Nest Removal is one of our essential services. It’s also why we require and follow a process that makes our nest removals safer, quicker, and more effective than anyone else’s.

To safely perform nest removal, we:

  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
  • Follow a careful set of guidelines to contain all of the nesting materials
  • Temporarily block the area for customer and employee safety

It is best to focus on preventing nesting at your facility. If you have nests, nuisance bird nests should be removed immediately. If there are federally protected species, nest removal may be performed once they are inactive. We can help you determine the difference between nuisance birds (sparrows, starlings, and pigeons) and federally protected birds. Most of all, we can safely and quickly remove nests before they cause more severe problems.

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