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C.H.I.R.P. To Keep Pest Birds Out of Your Way

Keeping pest birds out of warehouses and other business facilities is a major concern for many facility managers. These birds cause building damage, product loss and could even pose a health risk to your staff and customers. Learn about some simple preventative steps you can take to keep pest birds out of your way.


Why pest birds choose your locations could have many factors but we’ve found there are some common issues that most facilities can address to see a measurable impact. The acronym C.H.IR.P. makes it easy to remember each preventative step you can take to get rid of these nuisance birds once and for all.


Not long ago, I was standing just inside the entrance to a big box retailer chatting with one of the managers about their persistent problem with pest birds inside the building. I patiently listened to the manager’s understandable frustration with the issue. warehouse doorsThey’d tried just about everything and spent thousands of dollars with no relief.

As we talked, I could not help notice the birds passing overhead as they flew in and then back out the large roll-up doors at the entrance. It was perfectly obvious to me, an outsider, what the main problem was.

Close the doors! Much easier said than done in this case as this was how the entrance was designed. Open doors whether it entrances, receiving doors, or others are the main factor for pest entry, especially birds. Consistent reminders to staff and monitoring will help keep birds where they belong.


One of the most important factors we often see overlooked is clear accountability for the bird issue in our customers’ processes. The old adage, “what gets measured improves” certainly applies here.

Having measurable expectations regularly monitored will have a great impact on this issue getting the attention it needs. Setting up a plan for your facility may seem overwhelming. Meridian Bird Removal can assist you by performing a full facility inspection. This will show you which operational practices need improvement to prevent bird incursions. We will help you identify maintenance and preventative measures to put into your facility plan.


Good communication about why pest birds are important to control and the positive impact the company will see from associates working toward this goal is another fundamental building block of success.

Slowing down and educating associates about the nature of the problem and what they can regularly do to help is a powerful and engaging objective.

One issue we see quite often is where well-meaning associates begin to get attached to the birds. They will go out of their way to feed the birds on site. A tactful and kind approach is needed. Explaining the big picture and reaffirming company policy helps a great deal in most of these cases.


toy workman sweeping

Birds, in many ways, are very similar to us. They like the things that make life easier. For birds, this usually means food, shelter, and water.

Examining how birds are using your facility and why can be surprisingly easy and beneficial. Sometimes simple adjustments can make a big impact on control.

Keeping food spillage and trash cleaned up regularly will help keep hungry birds looking elsewhere. Another effective technique is to instill a regular maintenance practice of removing English house sparrow nests from around doors and signage.

“Make them sleep somewhere else” is another truism for effective pest bird control.


Consistent attention to good sanitation and preventative practices are the foundation of success when it comes to keeping pest birds away from your facility.

We all have many priorities competing for our attention. Bird issues are often at the bottom of to-do lists.  If bird issues are not defined well inside of company processes, policies, and accountabilities this important task will be let go. Make prevention of bird incursions a priority and it will pay off.

Therefore, the best consistent control of pest bird issues happens when all of these preventative actions are firmly in place.

So give C.H.I.R.P. a try and watch your pest bird issues sprout wings and fly away!