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A patented process proven over time

Meridian’s bird capture process evolved over a decade of trial and error

If you follow Meridian, you’ve heard a lot about our “patented system and process.” We are justifiably proud of both the equipment and the process we’ve developed to capture birds—it’s proven to be fast and effective and it’s the reason for Meridian’s successful growth. However, this process took some time to develop. This month, we’d like to tell you the story of its genesis—and the problems we were trying to solve.

Meridian Bird Removal started out as Meridian Wildlife Service. Driven by the founders’ skills in trapping and hunting, the company removed small mammals and other vermin from buildings. As we received more calls for bird removal, we realized standard pest control methods would not fly. Shooting with pellet rifles was dangerous and required the business to close. Traps rarely worked. The team researched how ornithologists captured birds, since they were obviously knowledgeable, successful, and wanted the birds unharmed. The early Meridian brain trust ordered mist nets (a fine type of net used by ornithologists) to experiment.

Deploying mist nets outdoors was relatively easy. But since most captures occurred indoors, a new process was needed. Ceiling heights varied from building to building, and renting or borrowing a scissor lift wasn’t always feasible. (Meridian does use scissor lifts from time to time, and our techs are certified in their operation.) Building structures, too, varied—the large beams found in warehouses and big box stores prevent nets from being raised to the ceiling. The gaps created allow birds to avoid the nets. Meridian needed a way to deploy the nets that was fast, flexible, and easy to use.

Once the nets were up and the birds caught, we found another problem—birds got tangled up in the nets, causing them distress. Alternately, some birds managed to find their way out of the net. We refined the system further to allow Technicians to lower the nets and remove the birds quickly. We also modified the netting system to create “pockets” that not only kept the bird in the net, but also protected it from getting entangled. The result was a netting system that a single Technician could raise and hang quickly. The same Technician could also lower the nets rapidly to ensure the bird stayed captured and also protect the bird from harm. The whole system fits into a case that can fit in the trunk of a compact car.

This new system was a winner! A Meridian capture usually requires minimal floor space and can work when a business is open and operating. We no longer had to work from 2:00 to 4:00 in the morning only, which means we could recruit and train more people. As our ranks grew, we developed a process they could follow. Our research and experience helped us discover the most common bird species and their behaviors. That went into our capture manual. And while founders David and Brian do not have degrees in avian biology, we have hired numerous experts, including people with experience in ornithology, bird rescue, and wildlife rehab. Many more of us have ample time in the field watching, tracking, and photographing birds. All of this knowledge helps us continually refine our process.

Our gear system and process have proven so successful because of the hard work and, yes, trial and error, that’s gone into it. We train every new Bird Removal Technician extensively in their use and listen to their thoughts on how we can improve it. In the end, Meridian Bird Removal is not successful solely because of our equipment. Meridian is successful because of the ingenuity and commitment of our people.