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A Bird’s Eye View of the Year

What’s your New Year’s resolution? Maybe it involves new hires or new markets. At Meridian Bird Removal, we have one aim this year and every year—help our customers deal with problem birds.

Bird activity can vary wildly based on your location. Our Bird Activity Calendar is based on long experience and mostly follows a four-season cycle. However, even tropical locations see a dip in temperatures during the winter months, forcing birds to seek out shelter and food. Nesting and hatching remain constant for most common nuisance birds.

As always, Meridian Bird Removal is available to answer any questions. If in doubt, give us a call. We can visit your location and conduct an inspection. Because resolving to prevent bird problems before they happen is the best plan of all.

The calendar changes over when it’s cold outside and food is hard to find. Birds, like all animals, seek warmth, shelter from the elements, abundant food, and water that isn’t frozen over. That makes the inside of your building very attractive.

Are birds entering your building and you don’t know how? Learn how to uncover the truth behind how these pest birds get inside, How did the bird get in my building?

It’s still cold outside, but traffic is slower around your building. There is less foot traffic after the holidays. With more doors being closed, we see fewer incursions.

Now would be a great time to increase your awareness in and around your building, have Meridian do a full facility inspection to prepare for the coming months.

March marks the start of nesting season and many birds are migrating north. Birds seek the most advantageous place for nesting. Your building may offer the space that they are looking for.

Birds are not yet ready to lay eggs, but they are identifying places to nest for the season.

This is a critical period for bird removal and prevention. It’s much better to prevent birds from creating a nest on your property. Keep in mind the nests may belong to federally protected species and therefore be subject to regulations.

If you think you may have a nest or if you are unsure if the bird that made the nest on your property is federally protected, call Meridian today to inquire about nest removal services. (855) 362-2200

Egg-laying kicks into high gear in April. Females are sitting on their eggs and are very entrenched. This is why it’s best to identify bird problems early!

The incubation period for most nuisance birds is very short. Starlings sit on eggs for an average of twelve days. For sparrows, it can be anywhere from nine to fourteen days.

When dealing with birds, it is best to approach any potential contaminants with caution. There may be a risk of Salmonellosis or other harmful diseases when removing nests or other bird related remains. Contact Meridian today to mitigate the risk posed to your customers and to yourself.

Call (855) 362-2200 or email nobirds@meridianbirdremoval.com

Birds hatch during the month of May and the adults are busy gathering food. They won’t stray too far from the nest, so if the nest is inside your building, that’s where they’ll look for food.

This increased activity makes May our busiest month by far. Many proactive customers have called us and signed up for an Annual Plan with Meridian.

Our Annual Plans are tailored to each customer’s needs and often involve regular visits. On these visits, we identify and address potential issues before they balloon into major problems.

This is juvenile season. Young birds are leaving nests and striking out on their own. We see increased activity as juveniles look to establish their own territory. Because they are not fully developed, you may see more bird activity down low or on the ground.

Juveniles are likely to explore your building in search of their own territory. Meridian not only captures and removes the problem bird but can recommend a plan to prevent future bird incursions.

Contact Meridian today to schedule a free bird removal service consultation.

Juveniles’ flying abilities are still in development. As a result, you may find them underneath shelving or under unexpected locations.

It is important, for the safety of your customers and the birds involved, to appropriately and quickly remove any pest birds from the building. Meridian specializes in efficient bird removal; learn how we worked under the public eye to remove problem birds from a mall in Northern Virginia.

As summer yields to fall, we see bird activity wane. Food and water are plentiful, the temperatures are ideal, and juvenile birds have established their own territories.

Now would be a great time to increase your awareness in and around your building, have Meridian do a full facility inspection to prepare for the coming months.

September is the slowest month for bird issues. The weather is still favorable and food is still plentiful.

The best time to act on securing your facility is when the birds are no longer causing immediate issues. Contact Meridian today to set up an annual plan and secure your future business.

Every year, beginning in October, we see a period of steadily increasing bird activity for the next five months. From the slow pace of September to increasing momentum into the holiday season.

As we mentioned above, winter means food becomes more scarce, food being dropped is attracting birds.

Make sure your facility is regularly inspected to preempt any bird issues. Keeping doors closed at all times helps to prevent birds from entering your building as well as keeping any seed or food-related materials indoors.

The holiday season begins again—increased traffic, more doors opening and closing, and food and warmth beckoning from your brightly lit building. As our minds become occupied with holiday business, the yearly cycle begins again.

Check out our five holiday tips for fewer birds.

People try crazy deterrents when focused on reducing bird problems, they place glue traps and nets in an attempt to capture or kill the birds. Learn why these tricks may not work and how to find a proper solution in this article about How to Get A Bird Out of A Store.

Winter is in full swing now, and cold birds are watching all those people going into your building during the holidays.

Those people are not only opening doors, they’re also dropping food crumbs your busy staff doesn’t have time to sweep up.

How can birds resist that?

An important part of mitigating bird issues lies in training employees to notice and effectively dispose of any attractants that may be alluring to birds. Contact Meridian to schedule a free consultation for your business if you find yourself in the midst of drawn-out bird issues not easily resolved.

Having a plan is important. Having a partner in mitigating bird problems should be part of that plan.

Meridian is here to help you all-year round with your annual facilities management plan.

Email us or call (855) 362-2200 for a free consultation.

Learn about the Top 5 Myths of Bird Removal