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What To Look for When Comparing Bird Removal Companies?

A BIRD REMOVAL COMPARISON is important when you looking at bird removal companies. There are different types of services available for bird removal. See how they compare. Only one is fast, effective and 100% guaranteed.

bird removal companies

Our customers were often frustrated with the lack of results other pest control companies had solving their bird issues. Our bird removal services offer a new approach: taking what was once a pest control effort and offering a guaranteed solution as a bird removal company only.

Typically our new customers start with a single work order helping to solve a high-profile issue or problem that they have been unable to take care of through their current pest control provider. As they learn more about our processes and see the results, we often move toward a contractual model, either as a year-long exclusive contract or utilizing our Bird Bucks program to achieve greater cost savings.

How Meridian Bird Removal Compares to Other Bird Removal Services

Many companies claim to be “different,” even if they offer the same goods and services as their competitors. We’ve spoken to enough people to know Meridian Bird Removal truly is different. How many other companies focus solely on removing birds from buildings and employ Bird Removal Technicians? If nothing else, our bird removal system is one-of-a-kind. Since Meridian invented it and holds the patent, we’re the only ones who use it!

Our Bird Removal Approach

What Should You Look for When Comparing Bird Removal Companies?

1. Solutions that get to the root cause

To us, though, it’s the way we approach bird removal that really distinguishes us. In talking with our customers, we’ve discovered other companies hone in on the bird as the problem. They capture or kill the bird (more on that later) and send an invoice. Meridian takes a more holistic approach. We capture and remove birds, but we also look for the root cause – how the birds get in and why they’re attracted to the building – and work with clients to eliminate that.

2. Full facility inspections

This is the reason we recommend a full facility inspection. It does little good to catch a bird if she’s only going to return through a gap in the roof. We’ve addressed prevention in past articles, such as this one about bird-proofing your building’s doors. It may mean less business for us, but fixing the root causes of bird incursions is much better for our clients and the birds.

3. Customer-friendly solutions

Another facet of our approach is that it’s less disruptive to businesses. Since we don’t use air rifles, as a shooting service would, businesses with customer traffic don’t have to close when we do our job. We also avoid poisons and chemicals, which are hazardous to use in any facility that stores food. Birds and insects are notorious for spreading toxic substances, and dead birds end up in unsavory places – on inventory or stuck behind walls where they decay slowly. Not a pretty sight – or smell!

4. Highly trained removal technicians who won’t stop until the job is done

Finally, Meridian’s solution works for all birds. Facility managers are not bird experts and won’t always know which birds are protected by state or federal law. If they call a shooting service, that company will identify the bird and decline the job – and that’s the good scenario. Authorizing the destruction of a protected bird could open companies up to criminal charges and legal headaches. Meridian’s solution is non-lethal. Our Bird Removal Technicians are highly trained and can tackle any bird issue no matter the species. When you call Meridian, you won’t waste time moving to Plan B.

There are many other reasons Meridian is a different kind of company – probably too many to address here. For a comparison of how our services compare to others, see our handy chart. We certainly love what we do, so if nothing else, our passion should set us apart!

At Meridian Bird Removal, we believe in being prepared and having a plan to deal with birds in your facility. If you need bird removal regularly, click here or contact us.