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Keeping Food Out of Sight Can Reduce Bird Issues

If your business is dealing with birds on your property there is a simple step you can take. Keeping food out of sight can reduce bird issues and is a cost-free preventative measure that is worth the time and effort.


Birds need to eat often so they can keep their energy levels up. They spend the majority of their time looking for food and new food sources. sparrow near bird seed

Most birds, including the English house sparrow, are sight feeders. This means they look for their food with their eyes.  If the food is out of sight, it’s out of mind. Most bird species have naturally good eyesight. They know the types of food they like and when they find a convenient food source they will come back over and over.

By knowing the habits of birds, and a few key actions, there are some easy steps you can take to drastically reduce bird issues at your facility.


Any food you sell that birds can recognize should be kept inside and also away from windows. This also means anything that leaves crumbs such as bread, potato chips, and pretzels.

Birds are adaptable and have learned from people dropping food in parking lots, outdoor restaurants, and other locations, that where there are people, there is food.

Birds can identify human food as potential food for them. Eating establishments that have outdoor seating must be vigilant about cleaning the tables and ground and removing all food sources after each customer leaves. pigeon eating food on ground


It is even more important to keep birdseed out of sight! Stacking large bags of birdseed outside may be tempting, but it is not worth the flocks of birds it will draw to your facility.

Storing birdseed in your facility and not in an outdoor area is critical to prevent easy access. It is equally important the birdseed is out of any bird’s sightlines from the doors and windows. If birds can see the birdseed inside the store they will attempt to enter the store through any opening they find.

Bags of birdseed are a strong attractant and will encourage birds to find a way into your facility. By storing them on shelves away from plain view, you’ll avoid attracting birds to your outdoor area and won’t encourage them to enter your facility.

If your facility does sell or store birdseed inside, it is important to be careful about keeping doors shut. Make sure there are no gaps in the building structure that birds could use for an entry point.


These small changes can make a significant difference in the number of birds in your area and as well as the number of birds that get inside your facility.

If a food source is removed, it may take several days for the birds to adjust and find a new area to feed. Remember that a bird-free property is much more inviting to customers and clients. Public image and perception matters and birds are not good for business.

In some instances, nuisance birds may have gotten out of control. You may need to contact Meridian Bird Removal for a long-term solution like exterior population reduction.  Removing the local bird population that has made your facility home is critical to keeping a bird-free business.

Call Meridian today and we will help you reduce bird issues at your facility.