Persistence and Experience Help Capture Large Egret in Supermarket


Growing regional chain of supermarkets

  • This capture took place in the supermarket chain’s Jupiter, Florida, location, one of over 1200 stores across the Southeastern United States.


Meridian needed to safely remove a large bird— an active, agitated cattle egret.

  • Meridian’s Bird Removal Technician (BRT) was heading home from a successful bird capture in Miami when she received an emergency call 60 miles north.
  • A cattle egret found its way into a supermarket and was creating chaos, frightening customers, and endangering inventory.
  • Anastasia is a Level 3 BRT and has experience with larger, more aggressive birds.


Commitment to capture and knowledge win the day.

  • The BRT’s experience told her to use a double net to capture the large bird. She was also able to predict the egret’s behavior.
  • Initially, the egret retreated to the rafters, seemingly out of reach. The BRT adapted her technique to lure the bird into the capture system.


The successful removal also created a positive experience for customers, who witnessed a humane capture.

  • Customers gathered to watch Anastasia work. According to the BRT, “they found the capture thrilling and had a lot of questions.” She answered their questions and reassured the store manager by turning a potential hazard into an adventure.

  • The whole capture, including arrival, set-up, capture, and signout took less than two and a half hours.

The egret fought back with a sharp beak measuring

3.5 inches


The BRT estimated the extended wingspan at

4 feet

“I have had lots of experience in capturing weird wild bird species in Florida. This bird tried to hide, but I knew I was going to stay on top of it and commit to capturing this egret!”

– Anastasia N.
Bird Removal Technician III

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