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Bird Removal: Exterior Population Reduction

We perform several services besides Interior Removal. Another service is an Exterior Population Reduction. This concept is often foreign to the average person.

Birds live outside, so naturally, people wonder why we bother with birds that are – well, outside. Obviously, we don’t perform Exterior Population Reductions in the middle of the forest. These “outside” spaces are adjacent to a building – for example, a home improvement store’s garden department or underneath store overhangs. When people ask us why we capture birds outside, we tell them:

  • Our Exterior Population Reductions are proactive. They prevent the birds from entering (or re-entering) the building. This is better for the birds, the store or facility owner, and the people inside.
  • It reduces product damage and loss. This applies not only to the merchandise, but also to the building and external equipment like HVAC units.
  • It makes for a better shopping experience for customers.
  • Exterior Population Reductions prevent diseases. Birds can carry up to sixty types of diseases (such as staph) and also parasites.

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